Tuesday, 27 March 2007

back now..

I'm back now. We had a simply wonderful time. We did so many fun things. And I came loaded up with all kinds of goodies! Here's one of them--a beautiful silver evening dress I bought to wear at my birthday party next weekend (It's going to be held at the castle, and lots of people are going to be there!) It will go really well with my silver shoes..There's a picture of it here to show you, one that shows you the full thing and a close-up so you can see the really cool detail on the top..
Things are OK for the moment though there's been some weird stuff going on. Things I don't really want to put up here.

Anyway today is normal, I've just been doing stuff at home with Grandpere. We've been trying to put together a website for him, about Napoleon, because as you know he is a specialist on Napoleon and has written lots of books about him. At least we've just been taking a look at some of the sites people have already done., to think how we might organise ours. Tell you what, there's quite a few on him already. He's a real celebrity still, that guy, though he died nearly two hundred years ago..
For example, there's a big site about him at www.napoleon.org

We can't decide quite what style we want, I think it should be something a bit intriguing and far-out but I don't know if I know enough about computers to do that!

1 comment:

Koschei the Dread said...

I will return. so this is au revoir, not goodbye.