Saturday, 17 March 2007

some photos taken in my grandfather's library

As you know, my grandfather's a writer and he also has this most amazing library, full of really old and rare books, as well as his own, of course! Here are some of them:the red books at the end are two of his books about Napoleon, published in a special Academie Francaise edition, very classic and all that--
these books above are some of the things in his collection, rare books from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Also on the bottom shelf you can see some of my father's childhood books..this book above was published before Australia was settled!
this illustration by a French artist called Gustave Dore, of Bluebeard giving his wife the keys to the castle, is in a beautiful old book of fairytales my grandfather owns.


Unknown said...

hey those books are amazing. maybe one day there'll be some of yours in there!

Unknown said...

those books must be worth a lot, i bet1

Unknown said...

looks like heaven for bookworm rose, i reckon!